Preliminary Information


Guiding Principles

  1. Positive and proactive attitudes towards the project
  2. Don’t limit ideas! Think outside the box
  3. Be collaborative and innovative by providing feedback of each others’ work

Preliminary focus on purpose

Purpose: Design a platform where people won’t be flooded with information about housing and can socialize Team Goal: Learn how to design a good product without thinking so narrow mindedly. See who this problem also applies to by understanding who shares these problems

Group Roles

Hailey: Periodically updates the website with the information provided by the team. Nyla: Writes the content for the website. Gavin: Focuses on the website design and app design process

  • All members conduct contextual inquiries and contribute to the brainstorming process of the app

Division of Labor

  1. Shared responsibility of labor
  2. Collaboratively create and follow a weekly task list
  3. Developing a Team Plan
  4. Pick a Team Name
  5. Make a Logo reflecting the ideas and name
  6. Make the GitHub project page
  7. Create the page for Team Contract
  8. Create the page for Group Proposal
  9. Add citations ands other resources used
  10. Add team information
  11. Post links to individual course pages

Meeting Management

  1. Meet whenever our schedules line up (ideally twice a week)
  2. Communicate through text message and meet up after class
  3. Stay focused during meetings, limiting our conversations about outside work
  4. Only one person is speaking at a time
  5. Take a vote on major decisions and let majority rule
  6. Accountability Processes
  7. Do the work that you were assigned by the due date
  8. Always communicate with team members if you need help
  9. Let members know when you are done with your task

Rewards and Punishments

  1. Failure to complete commitments result in poor final team feedback and warrants a conversation with other team members.
  2. Completing commitments at an appropriate time will result in good final team feedback, a better product, and internal recognition from the team.
  3. Follow-Up
  4. We will revisit the contract if there is a major concern
  5. Only revise when the majority of the team members think it’s necessary
  6. Talk about these issues before changing the contract
