Independently find out more information about the health center

Grace is a first year student who needs to access the health center regularly. Assessing the dynamic, Grace depend on upperclassmen such as her Junior Advisor (JA) to receive information. However, often times her JA’s do not know how to answer such questions. She feels bad continuously asking her JA’s for help, so she tries to look for information on her own. She is overloaded with all the services and the website is difficult to navigate.Grace wishes there is a way for her to find answers to these questions without always calling into the health center or asking her JA’s.

Begin the Off-campus Living Process

Alex is a 3rd year student who wants to live off campus during their senior year. Alex tries to contact local real estate agents to ask about some of the apartments and houses that current seniors are living in. The real estate agents say that they do not deal with the properties that Alex is interested in but give Alex detailed information about other properties. As Alex looks at this information, they do not understand it and do not know whether the information is sufficient for approval of their request to live off campus by their school. Alex declines the information from the real estate agents and tries to figure out who is living off campus this school year. While they do not know which students these are because they have never met them, they must find a way to get in contact with these seniors to move on in the process of potentially living off campus the following year.

Finding People with Similar Interests

Caroline is a college student who wants to Trivia, but has no friends in her social circle that are interested.
She wants to find 3 other people who would want to form a team with her, but doesn’t know where to start looking. People tend to stick with the same social groups (like entrymates, sports teammates, & etc.) because it is comfortable. Caroline feels as if asking random strangers would be awkward and extending this invitation would be too out of the blue. She is realizing it is difficult it is to find people with similar interests, especially because she’s they’ve never met them. Due to these obstacles, Caroline just ends up never going to Trivia.

Specifying the Housing Survey

Austin is a first year student who currently lives with a roommate even though he said on the housing survey that he did not want one. His current roommate has a totally different lifestyle in terms of study habits, nightlife, and sleeping hours. He is frustrated because he feels as if the administration didn’t consider his preferences when picking his roommate. He wishes that on the housing survey, they would ask more about their personal life and interests, so that he would’ve been paired up with someone more similar to him. He thinks that having a solid housing survey would help to reduce the number of bad matches and complaints from the current “random” system.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

Lily lives in a large dorm but sees how much fun her neighbors seem to have on the weekends and wants to get to know them. She thinks that the best way to get to know these people is over a meal. She does not know any of the people that she was placed in her dorm with, and is too shy to approach them in person. She is unsure of how she should get in contact with these people. Lily does not have a mutual friend to introduce them so thinks of using social media as an alternative. She then realizes that this would be awkward given the fact that her and the people that she wants to get to know don’t even know each other’s names. Lily wishes that there were a way to contact these people on a standard platform where they could recognize that she lives in the same dorm as them if she were to reach out.

Move Into a New Place

John is a first year student who has just moved into a dorm room for the first time. He realizes that there are items that he will now need to buy himself after he moved in because he was unsure of whether or not they would be provided. Some of these items include hangers, a desk lamp, and a full length mirror. John even needs to buy special tape, instead of the thumbtacks he brought with him, to hang items on his brick walls. He finds a way to get all the items himself once school has started but he is frustrated. John even decides to write a list of all these items so that he can refer to it before moving in the following year. Although, he is unsure of whether his future dorm rooms will provide the same things because he has heard from others who have lived in dorms that include some of the items he has bought for himself this year.